Friday, July 02, 2004

US show of force in the Pacific. This is a show all for China's sake. The article says that the US is having a military exercise to determine how fast it could get aircraft carrier strike groups into position in the Pacific. They are estimating 30 days. It's the size of the force that is the impressive thing, 7 carrier strike groups, and China is expected to notice and evaluate the US's resolve in supporting the Taiwanese.
From past deployment patterns, the US usually dispatches one CSG to a trouble spot as a reminder of its presence.
It did so several times in the past when tension was high in the Taiwan Strait.
It sends two to indicate serious concern, as was the case when China test-fired missiles over the strait in 1996.
In a combat situation, it deploys three to four, which was what it did in the Gulf War in the early 1990s and the recent Iraqi war.
But never before has it sent in peace time seven CSGs to the same theatre.
The implications for China are grave.

Yes indeedy they are. China's navy would last about as long as it takes to bake an American Apple Pie against a force like that. Muchos Gracias to Instapundit for the link.

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