Tuesday, April 06, 2004

ACLU. One of the reasons I don't trust the ACLU anymore is that I feel like they would go after a republican administration no matter what the cause. This article from the AP (through Yahoo) talks about a lawsuit they are planning that challenges a list of travelers that can't fly because the Government suspects them of being a threat. It's no surprise that some people get on that list by mistake, or that some people have names similar enough to match names on that list. But these are the risks you take when you want to increase security during a time of War. Yes, war.

I feel like the ACLU here is criticizing the gov't for doing this:
"Many innocent travelers who pose no safety risk whatsoever are stopped and searched repeatedly," the ACLU said in a statement issued Monday.
but wouldn't the ACLU get on the government's case if they searched by profile? Security constantly checks innocent people now as a part of random checks, which is stupid when you see grandma's and parents getting frisked at the gate.
These people that are listed wrongly aren't getting put in prison, they just don't get to fly airlines. It's really a conspiracy to promote Amtrak!

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