Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Media Slander response unit

A couple of guys over at WindsOfChange, Joe Katzman and Bill Roggio, were fresh off their stint with a site called, a blog solely devoted to responding to the Eason affair over at CNN. Now comes another scandal involving the same exact allegation, this time with Newspaper Guild president Linda Foley.
So they put their heads together and came up with something more long term. The project is Here is their statement of purpose.

"The goal of Media Slander is to hold journalists and bloggers to high ethical standards regarding coverage of the War on Terror and other military-related issues. We plan to achieve this by highlighting bias, rumor and falsehoods that have been creeping into military coverage under the guise of objective news.

We by no means advocate censorship or the deliberate suppression of well-researched and relevant stories about the war and the military.

As much as journalists feel that they are the guardians of the First Amendment, its true protectors are standing watch in Iraq, Afghanistan and places no one will ever hear about. Journalists owe it to the true gatekeepers of our liberties to be fair, balanced, relevant and accurate in covering them.


The entire staff of"

Your reading assignment while I'm on vacation.

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