Wednesday, December 21, 2005

When the cows come home

I’m taking the week off.  Anyone reading this who doesn’t know me personally should know that when I take vacations, I don’t browse, google, blog, or pay much attention at all to the outer world.  I just relax.  I’m taking a trip down to the land of my roots.

Actually I just did most of my growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but was born and spent a little of my toddler life in the east.  But I consider the Duke City the home that I left when I became an adult, so I make the pilgrimage there every once and a while and hang with the folks and my sisters.  Usually every other Christmas at least.  We put up some luminarias (or farolitos if you like), play hearts, eat excellent New Mexican food and catch up.

Have a Merry CHRISTmas and may God see to it that your new year is better than the last one.  Laters…

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