Friday, September 22, 2006

High Speed Trains mean...

OK, I’m all for advances in transportation, and I understand that modern trains offer higher speed and less fuel.  However, it’s instructive to note that it’s still safer to fly on a commercial jet.

      LATHEN, Germany (AP)  A high-speed magnetic train traveling at nearly 125 mph crashed in northwestern Germany on Friday, killing 15 of the 29 people aboard in the first fatal wreck involving the high-tech system.

      Officials recovered 15 bodies from the wreckage of the experimental train that struck a maintenance vehicle while running on an elevated track, said prosecutor Alexander Retemeyer. Another 10 passengers were injured.

Yikes!  200km per hour crash!  I read that the high speed trains in Germany were capable of traveling at speeds up to 450km per hour (about 300 mph).  How’d you like to be in a crash at that speed?

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