Thursday, September 21, 2006

GPS cell-phone technology update

More on GPS navigation with map data on your cell phone.  This company’s vision is that signing up for navigation services will be as easy as signing up for your cell phone service, or Blockbuster online.

      In on-board navigation systems, the map data is stored on the device. In an off-board navigation system it is stored on a remote server. The difference is very subtle, but the impact is huge. When all the data resides on a remote server there is really no limit to the amount of storage you can have. Our navigation systems work seamlessly [around the world] because we can aggregate all that data into one local server. Second, there's just one place to update the data. Today, when you get a new BMW, right out of the factory, their map data is already about 18 months old. When you buy an off-board navigation system, that data gets updated automatically, with no charge.

It’s like having MapQuest on your phone screen and a little indicator to tell you where you are.  It’s becoming more of a reality.

      Telmap has a unique feature that we call route corridor (we also have a trademark on it: it is called MOND, short for Mobile Optimized Navigation Data). Most of the off-board navigation systems download only the information from point A to point B. Since the system doesn't know anything about the world around that route, if you stop to get some gas or make a wrong turn, it will start recalculating the route. You may not be in network coverage. The recalculation is going to fail and you are going to get a sort of snowball effect and a bad user experience.


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