Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Trust in the media. As I've been reading blogs over the past few weeks the impression that the general news media is not doing it's job, or is biased and engaged in an outright campaign of deceit is hard to miss. Frankly, it's hard to miss it when you read your newspaper or watch it on TV. There are statistics coming out now that are telling. Stats are saying that people are not trusting the media at all, and that the overwhelming view is that they are liberal in their slant.

Instapundit had some links just in the past couple of days highlighting bad media quality. This one calls the media on faking quotes.
He also points to this article in Editor and Publisher that revealed a Pew Research Center poll on what newsroom workers consider themselves politically. The findings should be obvious.

Jeff Jarvis has a conniption regarding NPR bias. And he is definitely not the only one. This is only one of many complaints about National Public Radio.

The press is also doing its best to put a bad face on the war. Despite evidence to the contrary. There are far more sources for this than I have room for.

Volokh notes that the media, for ex. CNN, keep using bad surveys, but people are going to believe them anyway.

These are just a sample. The main perps in this are the Assoc. Press, the NYT, Reuters, the Washington Post, the Guardian and BBC. Unfortunately that affects us all, because most of our local papers just recycle stories by journalists working for these organizations.
My wife and I canceled the paper. I get about 90% of my news from the internet. Google and Blog style.

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